Hi, my name is Corey Thompson
Web Developer

Know More The Dark Side

[Portfolio still in progress]

About me

Profile Image

Medical Researcher turned Cyber Security Professional. I started my early career out of college as a research assistant aspiring to become a physician assitant [PA]. Shortly after beginning my career (literally; it was just a year and a half) and getting comfortable cutting up brain tissue, I made a huge turn and began exploring software. Even though I weirdly fell in love with research and all that cut up organ tissue, this career change was the correct move.

Other than playing soccer as a collegiate athlete, I never felt this type of joy doing an extracurricular activity until I started coding, researching, learning, and growing within the IT/Software realm. Quite incredible to say the least. I want to continue my path and eventually become a Cyber Security Professional, and more specifically, an Ethical Hacker [Check out my career path, what I plan on learning throughout my journey and my progress below].

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My RoboPeeps

This is my first project using React.js. I used it to incorporate a search function to find a robot's name within the list of available robot contacts.

See Live Source Code

Technologies Used

Squarespace Site

This is an undecorated project that shows my potential within the e-commerce world. Even though I do not physically write the code (well, the majority of it), it shows that I can design, set up, and distribute a working environment for any business: big or small.

This particular project was for Tammy and her flower company. It's a way for customers to not just buy flowers, but read blogs, keep in touch with Tammy, and much more.

See Live Source Code

Technologies Used

ur-Hackr Site

This was a project I started very recent, and I really enjoyed making it (still in progress and growing by the day). I really enjoy writing, so I decided to create a blog site in order to help those that are interested in cyber security, penetration testing, ethical hacking, and more. I am in the process of becoming a penetration tester, and this site helps me create missions and ideas to show my creativity and knowledge about pen testing. Come check it out!

See Live Source Code

Technologies Used



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